Sunday, May 30, 2010

Astral Projection

During my recent move, I found a set of Time-Life books I had bought close to twenty years ago called Mysteries of the Unknown. I had forgotten all about them and so it was a treat to find them. The series covers many subjects on the paranormal. Unfortunately, I only have 6 of them and there are 33 in the series. If anyone knows how I could get the rest, feel free to leave me a comment.

In one of the books titled "Psychic Voyages", there is a lot of information about astral projection. While I have heard the term before, I didn't know much about the subject. Now that I understand what it is and how people do it, it is something that intrigues me very much. I've been stuck in a paralyzed body for 25 years. I'm way overdue for a vacation.

I know there are some people who fear this concept because they believe demons or evil spirits could enter or posses their physical body while they are out. But I don't think this is very likely, especially in my case. It would take a fairly stupid demon to trap itself in a physical body that doesn't work too well. ;)

I believe I was having an out of body experience the night of my accident. The car I was riding in had rolled and my neck was broken when the roof of the car came down on my head. Someone had pulled me out of the car and as I lay on the ground, flat on my back, I began to feel my legs start to float up in the air. It felt as if I was being pulled out of my body by my feet. This terrified me because I thought if I left my body, that was it, I would surely die. So I fought the floating sensation with everything I had, even begging my friends to put my legs back on the ground. Of course this confused them a great deal because they could see my legs were already on the ground. They couldn't see what I could feel and I clearly felt my legs floating upwards as if they had been filled with helium.

Now I would very much like to learn how to astral project. It certainly doesn't sound easy, but what a rewarding experience this would be for me. The hardest part might be actually coming back into this prison of a body. Its not that I don't love and appreciate my physical body because I do. I just need my freedom.

In addition to the concept of astral projection, I'm also open to the concept of self healing. Miraculous healing happens around us all the time but we often don't really pay attention to it. Can the body really heal itself from any injury? Wouldn't a person have to totally believe in this in order for it to happen? Yes, the belief would be essential. If the energy of our thoughts really does affect matter then anything is possible. Everything is possible. Impossible becomes possible.

I need to go and really wrap my head around this. Any thoughts on the subject of astral projection, out of body experiences or self healing would be greatly appreciated.


(The beautiful surreal artwork at the top of this post is by artist Brian Exton. )

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Enjoy The Journey Of Evolution

I just read a great article on Spirit News Daily entitled Conscious Evolution. It states how we continue to evolve in our concept of God and prayer, the way we communicate and experience the divine. The author also talks about Ernest Holmes, who states "God is not a becoming God. God is not an evolving God. God is that which was, is and will remain perfect, complete, happy and harmonious." In other words, it is we who are evolving, not God.

But, if we are truly extensions of this Source energy, this eternal living universal consciousness we call God, then God is evolving because God is in all of us. If we are truly one conscious stream of intelligent energy, we cannot truly be separate from God, nor can God be separate from us.

How do you think the human race is evolving? From one perspective, it could be said that the human race is getting out of hand. There is still so much violence, anger, ignorance, greed and intolerance. We continue to destroy forests, we continue to consume fossil fuels, we continue to pollute the environment, despite indisputable evidence of the danger this poses to our entire planet. Humans can almost be compared to a virus, an organism that takes so much from its host that it eventually destroys it.

From another perspective, the human race really does seem to be evolving at an incredible pace. We seem to be making leaps and bounds in technology and science, especially in the last one hundred years. Efforts to protect the environment and begin to reverse some of the damage we've caused to the planet over the last hundred years are growing. We are becoming much more tolerant of the differences between us and there seems to be a widespread effort of acceptance. Many people now seem to be turning more toward spirituality instead of religion.

Life cannot exist without change. The universe and everything in it will continue to expand and evolve. I have felt this expansion and evolution within myself. I could not find any religion that really rang true to me, that just felt right. But I've always known there is more to life than just this so called reality that we're living. I've always felt that there are incredible and amazing mysteries out there that are just waiting to be discovered and understood. Or maybe even remembered. This is where my spiritual path is taking me. Something deep inside me, the part directly connected to the universal Source energy that flows through me, is directing me where to go and attracting the knowledge that I'm seeking to me. So I'm just now discovering how to enjoy the journey.